Monday, October 28

Basic At-Home Bodyweight Exercises


Having a healthy body has been everyone’s new year’s resolution, a way of getting ready for summer, or simply a fitness goal. These days, going to the gym to exercise is becoming a fad. Aside from the costly membership fee, it is also a challenge for some to maximize the money they pay for. Some can’t afford to go to the gym because of their busy schedule or they are just too lazy and tired to drive.

For some who don’t have an indoor gym or expensive equipment at home, they tend to assume that it’s impossible to get an intense workout at the comfort of their home. This is not actually the case.

Here are some of the most effective bodyweight exercises that could be done at home. These will target all of your essential muscle groups. There is an extensive and surprising amount of bodyweight exercises that burn your muscles. Let’s start with the pushups!

Push Ups



Pushups are the bread and butter of bodyweight exercises. Most people are familiar with this exercise and tend to think it’s clichéd and ineffective, but we beg to differ. Basic pushups target the pectorals and triceps mostly, it also hits the anterior deltoids, the serratus anterior, and the abdominal muscles. Suffice to say, it hits a lot of muscle groups at the same time. There are a lot of ways to isolate specific muscles like the pectorals through pushup variations like diamond pushups, or core and shoulders with Spiderman pushups or pike. The basic pushup entails a simple range of movements. Start off by finding a mat and continue by placing both hands beneath your shoulders and then stretching your legs until you are resting on the balls of your feet. Close your legs until they are firmly tight. When you are done you should be in a plank position.

Lower your body until you achieve a 90° angle or lower and then try to get back into starting position and repeat that range of motion again.

The benefits of a proper pushups are endless. They target all major muscle groups of the upper torso and carve them out. It is the singular most encompassing upper body exercise. If you’re a newbie to pushups, you should start with box pushups and knee pushups and work your way up to a full pushup.

Box Pushups

Box Pushups

Box pushups

Get on the mat and assume a crawling position, then lower your body until your chest is almost touching the ground, and get back into starting position.

Knee Pushups

Knee Pushups

Knee pushups

Knee pushups are just like a tweaked box pushup. You start at a crawling position, then you lift your feet off the floor so that only your knees and your palms are the only part of your body touching the floor. Then you lower your body and simultaneously stretch forward and return back to starting position.

To get a worthwhile workout focusing on pushups you should complete 20 reps and sets of each exercise.




Sit-ups are also very effective and clichéd; like most clichéd exercises they have variations that stem from their original range of motion. Exercises like crunches and reverse crunches were formed from observing the sit-up. The sit-up targets the abdominal muscles and works them hard (if repeated enough times). To pull off a sit-up, you need a mat and a partner (ideally). Sit-ups are somewhat problematic in that it’s hard to keep your feet down while performing the exercise. It’s also possible to perform a sit-up without help. First, you lie on the mat face up and then try to bend your knees until they reach a 90° angle. Make sure your feet are touching the mat, they should not leave the mat at any point during the exercise. With both your arms tucked behind your neck, try to reach your knees with both elbows and return back to starting position. If this action proves difficult you should get a partner and try again. Also, when performing the exercise, try not to use your hands to pull your body upwards, it compromises the entire exercise. Keep your chin up! 30 reps of sets should be enough for a thorough workout.

Jump Rope

Jump Rope

Jump rope

Jump ropes make you remember simpler times… That simple range of motion can take you back decades, you remember the other kids you played with, you remember hopscotch, but what you don’t remember is how tired you got after playing jump rope for a long time. Jump rope, as simple as it seems, is very effective. It’s so effective it’s almost better than jogging, well, almost. Jump rope has been said to burn an equal amount of calories as jogging, if done at a fast pace. The beautiful thing about jump rope is that you can do it in the confines of your own home, and it can be every day without having to leave the house. With 20 minutes of jump rope every day you get good cardio without prior planning or stress. Take a trip down memory lane today!




Pull-ups are one of the few bodyweight exercises that can give you massive gains when it comes to back width. It attacks the lateral muscles which are responsible for most of the width of the back and give guys that coveted V-shape. Pull-ups alone, if done properly and consistently, can give you a properly toned back and aid substantial growth. If you’re looking for a toned physique, this exercise is right up your alley. It’s important to note that this exercise doesn’t necessarily get your back looking all muscly, you need to do it for a long time to get that look going. For this exercise, you need a pull-up bar or just any bar that is above your head (and can hold your bodyweight). Stretch both arms upwards and grab the bar, widen your grip, your arms should be around shoulder length apart, and pull up your body from the ground. You should try to cross your legs to make the exercise easier. When your chin is above the bar and you have completed the full motion, squeeze your back and hold it for a second or so before returning to the starting position. It’s important to note that while doing this exercise, your feet should not touch the floor.

Pull-ups are particularly tricky so you should do each set until you fail and complete about to sets.

YouTube videos

Modern technology has allowed us access to an almost infinite source of knowledge. YouTube is considered one of the greatest assets of the 21st century. It’s a livelihood to some, entertainment to others, and a wealth of knowledge to those who seek it. There are various channels stocked with videos that feature exercises that target your desired muscle groups. There are numerous bodyweight exercises that are far more complex and rewarding than the ones we’ve listed above, and they come with clear, visual instructions that will help you perform them. It’s never a bad idea to visit YouTube. There are exercises that will address your specific needs and help you get an intense workout from the comfort of your own home.

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