Sunday, October 27

It takes a lot of effort to achieve a healthy and glowing skin. This is something that can’t be achieved overnight just like any other goal. There should be a true dedication to establish a great skin routine. Getting smoother skin and great skin texture doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on skincare products every month. There are simple tips you can incorporate in your daily routine that can transform your skin without breaking the bank.

Drink water regularly

The amount of water we drink every day can radically affect the tone and texture of our skin. The average person drinks only three glasses of water in a day. According to the academies of science, we are only drinking a fraction of the water we need to function normally.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine estimate that the average human needs about 3.2 liters per day. That is about five times the amount that the average American drinks. Drinking more water and staying hydrated can make your skin supple, less dry, and slow down the aging processes. It is a simple yet effective way of improving your skin.

Wash your face before bedtime

Washing your face before you sleep is one of the most effective ways to unclog your pores and removing dirt from your face. Washing your face at the end of a hectic day can help you remove excess oil, save you money on skincare treatments, limit acne breakouts, and make you look longer.

Exfoliate more

Washing your face and exfoliating go hand in hand. Exfoliating your skin is the process of removing dead skin off your body by gently scrubbing away the top layer of dead skin. Usually, an exfoliating face scrub solution and sponge are used during this process.

Most people don’t exfoliate nearly enough. They deem scrubbing away dead skin once or twice a month sufficient when, in actuality, it’s nearly not enough. The skin needs constant care, and exfoliating should be done at least once a week, depending on the type of skin you have.

Sleep on your back

If you are super worried about getting wrinkles, then consider not resting on your face after you have been exposed to ultraviolet light. It is said that the most common mistake people make after coming in contact with a decent amount of sunlight is ironing in those temporary wrinkles by resting on their faces. Try sleeping on your back after a sunny day or a visit to the beach.

Swapping out your pillowcase

Switching out your pillowcase regularly doesn’t just affect your health; it also affects your skin tone, complexion, and texture. Bacteria, dirt, and oil are the most likely causes of skin breakouts amongst teens and people in their early teens. Swapping out your pillowcase every three days or so will ensure that you don’t give bacteria and dirt the chance to build up. This will significantly reduce the chances of breakouts and acne in the future.

Use salt or ice for your zits instead of popping them

When you wake up to a zit in the morning, you have one of three options. The first and the most obvious is to scar yourself and pop it. The second involves a pimple cream and some money. The last only requires a pack of ice or some salt.

When you put ice or salt on your zit, you treat it like a trauma wound- the same principle sort of applies. Just like a trauma wound, you can bring down the inflammation with a little bit of ice or salt. Sea salt has incredibly antibacterial properties. It can draw out oil from the skin without damage. So, the next time you get a zit, mix some sea salt and water, make a paste and smear it all over your zit.

Wash your hands regularly

Your hands the medium in which you interact with the beautiful world around you. That beautiful world is covered in bacteria, germs, and dirt. Each time you touch your face after you’ve been in contact with something as seemingly ordinary as a doorknob, you cover your face in harmful bacteria and germs. Washing your hand at least twice a day ensures that you keep your palms relatively clean and keep your face germ-free.

Great skin isn’t a luxury that wealthy alone have access to. Millions of people everywhere understand the basic principles of hygiene and skin sensitivity and have altered their lives to achieve their skincare goals. You can join these select few and unlock the secrets to great skin without spending much money on skincare and cosmetic procedures.

Source: PS

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